Letter dated September 25th, 1864
Sept. 25 1864
Harewood Hospital Washington DC
Dearest of friends
Today is Sunday again. It is very pleasant too, but I don't feel very well. Have got a bad cold and my head aches some but I thought that I would write a few lines to you and that would help me to spend the day and you to pass a little of the time in reading it and writing to me again. There is no news to write from here but what you get from the paper before you could from my letters so I have nothing but myself to write about. I have been in this ward now two weeks dressing wounds and they all like me well. I don't know how long I may stay here but I have given up all hope of getting my discharge from here for my doctor told me this morning that he heard the head doctors talking yesterday that they should not discharge anyone that could do anything here. I forgot whether I wrote anything about pay in my last. Well we was paid off for two months. They took my transport out of it and left me 9 dollars. There is 32 more dollars more that I ought to had but I shall have to get a pass and go down town for that which I will do this week. I bought a prize package of paper and envelopes the other day and there was two pictures and a book in it. I will send them to you. There I don't think of any more to write this time. Only my love to you and Lina. Give her this picture of the General and kiss her for me,
Yours ever good-bye